Friday, February 5, 2016


Alo! (ah-lo) That is Haitian for hello. 

Today was amazing. We went to a vibrant and very uplifting worship service this am. This was great planning to help us prepare our hearts for the next stop...

We went to General Hospital (a government run public hospital) next, and we were able to pray for many families there with sick children. It was amazing to here everyone in our group pray for these families.  The Spirit was flowing in that place and was felt by both the ones praying and those being prayed for. 

After that we had quite a change of pace. We brought the Word to some children in La Loo Orphanage. Pastor  Russ gave the message, about how we see ourselves vs. how God sees us. Then we made picture frames and took pictures of the children, so they could frame them to remind them of how Christ sees them. It was moving to see how excited they were to see themselves in photos. Several tried to go through line twice! After, we had a time of just playing with them singing and blowing bubbles. GOD IS SO GOOD. 

Thank you for all the prayers.

Bondye Beni'ou (Boh-jE-A-Ben-U) -- God bless you. Orevwa! (oarev-wah) -- Goodbye!

- Katina Currier

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